The archive is comprised of over 80 contributors who have individually submitted images, writing and various other content on their behalf. In an effort to prioritze the authors of this content, the archive is oraginized by the contributors first name. Please refer to the index below to view all content within the collection.
Sedrick Miles
When I was only 3 years. We were traveling from my birth home in South Carolina, all the way to Anchorage, Alaska. My stepfather had plans that would turn my family upside down. Now, in my forties, I don't have any memories before nine.
In Noyers, France 2016. I was attending an artist residency and completing a book of photographs. He and I would play in the park after lunch. He looks so serious when he is concentrating. In this way he is like me. We have a quiet joy.
Me holding him the week he was born. I was overwhelmed with joy. I loved swaddling him. I would make a perfect swaddle almost every time. I loved how he fit right I between my arm and my heart. (Hartford, CT USA 2014)
At his first birthday party in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil (2015). I whisper in his ear all the time. This night I told him "Pai (father) will love you forever."
The archive is comprised of over 80 contributors who have individually submitted images, writing and various other content on their behalf. In an effort to prioritze the authors of this content, the archive is oraginized by the contributors first name. Please refer to the index below to view all content within the collection.
Sedrick Miles
When I was only 3 years. We were traveling from my birth home in South Carolina, all the way to Anchorage, Alaska. My stepfather had plans that would turn my family upside down. Now, in my forties, I don't have any memories before nine.
In Noyers, France 2016. I was attending an artist residency and completing a book of photographs. He and I would play in the park after lunch. He looks so serious when he is concentrating. In this way he is like me. We have a quiet joy.
Me holding him the week he was born. I was overwhelmed with joy. I loved swaddling him. I would make a perfect swaddle almost every time. I loved how he fit right I between my arm and my heart. (Hartford, CT USA 2014)
At his first birthday party in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil (2015). I whisper in his ear all the time. This night I told him "Pai (father) will love you forever."